Monday, December 23, 2013

Happy DO Year --- a recap.

For three years now - I've chosen a yearly focus word.

I has been so very effective to help me focus for the year ahead. And much easier for me to keep than an entire list of resolutions.

The words have been easy choices at times and more difficult at times.

"DO" was the choice for 2013, and it was an easy word to decide on and to implement.

And boy have I DONE.

I've submitted work for a design team call and been selected for the GlobeCraft and Piccolo design team for 2014.

I crocheted 10 baby blankets (and made a huge dent in my yarn stash)

I made several additional baby gifts.

I finished many projects that have been languishing in my UFO pile for WAY to long.

I have read.

I have exercised.

I have eaten better.

I have made decisions that have affected my life for the better - hard decisions that hurt - but rather than stringing them along, I buckled down and made them .

I posted a short story that I wrote many years ago - and now am working with a college student who wants to go into book illustration as her career. She wants to illustrate this and then lets see if we can at least self publish a few copies.

I sang in the church Christmas Cantata. (Including a solo that left me shaking in my shoes)

I've lived beautifully.

I've learned so much.

I've counted blessings. (Thank you Ann Voskamp for the pattern I use)

I've paid off several debts - and made a huge dent in some others - and I have put away a bit of money as well.

I have also taken the advice - DO unto others as you would have them DO unto you. I've reached out and shared and helped and loved and prayed and encouraged.

As 2013 winds down - I am reflective about the year about to pass and trying to lock in on my word for 2014. I hope for the next word to be as effective as this one was.

My life is beautiful --- and my life includes the word DO. Having that word be my focus has made this life and love even more beautiful.

Happy DO year 2013 ----- let's see what 2014 brings.

Find more inspiration over at the ONE WORD 365 site. It is amazing what we can do if we focus.

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