Friday, December 04, 2009

Looks like Christmas

I don't "DO" politics here. I have my views, you have yours, they may differ, that is one of the wonderful things about the good old USA. We can agree to disagree and still everything is ok.

But I am gonna do FAITH. It is Christmas. Those trees are Christmas trees. The proper greeting in my world is Merry Christmas. I am not offended if your say Happy Holidays to me, but I will say Merry Christmas back. I have Jewish friends who celebrate Hanukkah. I tell them Happy Hannukkah - guess what - they do not put up a Christmas Tree - they have a beautiful Menorah that the family lights. They are not ashamed of their faith either - and they respect mine. Neither of our families hide behind the phrase Happy Holidays. Christmas at our house is a celebration of Christ's birth and includes the Bible story, nativity scenes, and services at our church. It is not just a "gimme prezzies" holiday. So here in MaggieGraceWorld we say Merry Christmas.

What triggered that "rant"?

The pendant I have on.

That's the back. Yes, that is glitter inside.
This is the front. A stamped manger. A symbolic representation of the Holy Family. When I came in this morning a customer pointed out that it wasn't "politically correct". This customer is a Christian, but works for a government agency, and is not allowed to express this view because he may offend someone. Okay people -- I can disagree with you. I respect that your belief may be different than mine on a lots of things, but I also expect the same respect from you. We are Americans, we live in a country that allows us to choose and express our beliefs. It is a good thing. It is one of those things I am most thankful for.
Done -- enough on that.
Last night was the Softball Princess banquet. A great celebration of a 27-4 season. A region championship and a state finalist postition. We were late getting home, but I still found myself in the studio, turning around in a circle, looking for something quick to do. You know that feeling. I gathered up a few bits that I had been acumulating. A crochet flower, a button and wire assy, some fabulous textured felt, floss, and a pin back. I assembled it into this........

A brooch. I took the felt and cut two circles. Cut a small circle of cardboard (cereal box flap) and created a stable pin back. Sewed on the flower. Glued on the button assembly. Voila ....... a gift for a friend - I'll take this to her tonight.

This is why I assemble trays for my projects. Those times when I want just a little something to do. All of this gathering and assembly took about 20 - 30 minutes, but I had crocheted the flower and stacked it in a bowl. I made the button assembly at another time and added it to that bowl. Add a few items from the stash and supplies and there we go. Creative urge satisfied just before bed. It is a good thing.
Speaking of quickie projects and gathering bits -- go look here for another project that makes my heart sing.
Merry Christmas.
Have a wonderful day.

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