Thursday, February 28, 2008

Your questions answered

Okay - so I am sure gonna make a freakin' hillbilly doll - from a 1970' era needlework magazine my mom saved for me.

On yesterdays post - I asked for questions you would like to see answered by me. Roxanne was first so I am attacking in that order. If you have more questions please just leave them and I'll be getting to them in the next few days.

Roxanne over at craft addictions asked me --- Here's something I struggle with, so I thought I would ask what you think...Do a lot of people you know in "real life" read your blog? And do you find yourself censoring your words here because of it? How do you get past worrying about it? Can't wait to hear your input! Thanks!!
I refuse to hide my blog from anyone. Early on it was a secret, known only to a few in my real world. Then as I became more encouraged by people I did not even know, I started to share the URL with those closest to me. Local Best Friend was the first person I told. He read and was encouraging as well. He has even commented that this blog helps him to know me even better.
As I became more comfortable with both my writing and my message, I shared it with more people. Abby's softball team has a website and the man at my address added a link to my site from there.
My family and friends are readers, my in-laws are readers and regular commentors, my girls are readers, and as I have team pictures or group pictures to post, I have added to the reader list by asking permission to use their childs photo. Co-workers - different story - one of them found a post I was working on in my draft folder. I have endured much teasing about posting things about skinny dipping and hot showers.
In short - yes almost everyone around me is aware and may read at any time.
Censoring words -- I prefer to use the phrase choosing words carefully. I want MaggieGrace World to be a positive place that I can be proud to share with anyone. So I do tend to choose words carefully. My life is not always bright and shiny. Things happen that I have chosen to never share. Other things have affected me and I have shared them in condensed versions. If it is a sensitive issue - I more than likely will not use names. I have yet to have anyone in a situation be confused. Those who are outside a situation may be and may make assumptions that are not true. If that happens and I find out, I am quick to clear that up one to one. If others choose not to continue reading a post, I would not be offended by that knowledge.
Basically - I come to this keyboard and allow myself to spill onto the pages. If a subject may be hurtful or sensitive I will save it as a draft and call Local Best Friend to preview it for me. He is - blatantly - often stingingly - honest with me - and has the outside point of view that allows objective feedback. He also has so much respect for me and my family - that he will not allow me to be hurtful if he knows that I will have regret later. (Love ya buddy.) So yes I guess I do censor some words.
Do I worry about the words I write? How do I get past it? Sometimes I do worry. If I am about to share something crude, rude, and obnoxious, I try to make that clear in my early paragraphs so that church friends - or my inlaws - can choose not to continue reading. I am very real with everyone I deal with - my children included - and I am careful to be just as real here. Like I said earlier this week, sometimes it is just too hard to put on a mask. How do I get past that worry, by only writing what I would be willing to say even in public or face to face.
I have found this to be an effective place to really figure out what I feel about some issues. What you won't find here EVER - graphic sexual detail, tattletale stories on others just because I could, claims that a piece of work or a photo is mine when it isn't, made up stories to make myself look better or worse than I am (or others are for that matter) or detailed political discussion. What you may find here - a cuss word on occasion, controversion subjects, true life stories about those around me, a thank you, a prayer request, and other things as life throws its drop pitch and curve ball at me. What you will always find here - me - trying to make a way through this crazy life, honesty, appreciation for those who read here and for those who inspire me, a sharing of my information in the event that it may help some one else, my creations, my family, my home, my friends, in a predominately positive environment - I hope.
To sum all of this up MaggieGrace is a fairly complete, honest picture of who I am and how I relate to my life. Roxanne - hope that answered your question.
Have a wonderful day all.


Roxanne said...

Thanks Teresa! I knew you would have great insight on the topic!!

Darla said...

Interesting "share" Teresa. BTW, don't you love old craft magazines? I have a few and get them out once in awhile just to remember all the things that have been popular over the years.