Thursday, January 03, 2008

The way it really is.....

Quite obviously, this is Bud Light in a bottle. The method of arrival at our house is the normal in a plastic bag, generally in the man's hands.

It goes from the car - straight into the fridge. Nothing blog worthy there. But then there is this mutation of beer etiquette that some how happens in MY refrigerator.

Proper beer behavior would be get out of the fridge and into the man's hand. (not mine - I do not "get me (him) a beer b*&%$" ever and I prefer my alcohol in a stronger more potent form) Be consumed by the normal method. Then find this nice empty bottle in the garbage can.

Bud Light bottles at my house seem to lose that last little part - the one about the garbage. They seem to want to hang out in random locations around my house.

Try this - under the computer desk - yes I said under.

On the back of the toilet - right beside the spare roll of tp.

By the Christmas tree.

By the toothbrushes - one has to drink the beer first - cannot imagine what a beer would taste like after you brush.

On top of the computer monitor - empty remember - the computer was placed in no danger.

On top of the entertainment center. Same note as above an empty bottle poses no threat to sensitvie electronic equipment.

The shelf in the closet.

My underwear drawer - I refuse to ask for an explanation here. I don't think he wears my undies and after 22 years I think I would know.

Now - if there are any suggestions for the retraining of BudLight Bottles in the correct conclusion of their visit to my house - I will take any and all of them. Somehow I think they just aren't listening to me at this time. Selective hearing loss - seems the man must have been in charge of that training.

Have a wonderful day all. I'll be rounding up the beer bottles so I can take them to the church dumpster.


Unknown said...

On the back of the toilet??? In YOUR underwear drawer??? I do not want to know.

I have no suggestion. Thank you for making me truly appreciate that I am the only one in my house who drinks beer and I know where the trash can is. :)

You crack me up.

Elizabeth Prata said...

The underwear drawer? I loved this post. Funny!

Felicia said...

Hum. Are you sure you didn't drop by my house to find all those lingering bottles? Except for the underwear draw thing I totally feel your pain! LOL Unfortunately, the only retraining I've been able to achieve at my place to to force myself to walk around the house before bed or first thing in the morning and pick up loose items (including bottles) that seem to scatter to corners far and wide. This possibly might not be the retraining suggestions you were after though! :)

Anonymous said...

This sounds familiar, only with toothpicks! My husband leaves them everywhere - in between the buttons on the remote, on the dresser, and one time, I found one in our bed. Men have bad habits that are hard to break - good luck!

shweetpotato said...

LMBuns Off hehe, well I must say the bottles have to be better looking than the cans all around my house lol