Saturday, December 29, 2007

Saturday ..... the last one of the year

It's the last Saturday of 2007, I am quiet and reflective. I have Tracey's wall quilt in the hoop. I should be painting, but instead, I am catching up on blogs this morning. I'll go back to the quilt in just a few minutes.

I wanted to share some wonderful news - my lovely neice, Brooke, will be getting married on Tuesday. Now that's a New Year celebration. Her fiance, Kevin, is in service and there is a strong chance he will be deployed soon, so we will be attending a wedding on Tuesday. These plans came as a phone call last night. I am praying blessings on them both as they start this next phase of their life together. I hope you all will lift them up as well.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

1 comment:

Mrs. G. said...

Congratulations to your neice and her beloved! Weddings are always hopeful and nice.

Hope you make some headway on the quilt. Can't wait to see it.

Happy New Year, MG!